Non-Romantic Love Letters

Non-romantic love letters is an idea that came to me during a plane ride home from California. To be completely honest, I was bummed that there was no romantic love in my life. I gave myself some time to be sad, but after a few minutes, I realized that I was surrounded by love. Non-romantic love. I was flooded with positive emotions (I'm sure the stranger next to me thought I was insane). Sad tears turned into happy tears. 

Love, however, is a feeling. I communicate best visually, so I used this idea as an opportunity to challenge myself as a graphic designer. How does one visually communicate love? Love Letters. 

Each piece of art in this project was either collected or designed as a representation of an act of non-romantic love. 

My hope is that these stories allow the reader to reflect on their own non-romantic love stories. I promise that everyone has one, and i’m sure you wont have to look to hard for them. 

Non-Romantic Love Letters was featured on Stefan Sagmeister’s Instagram (and I cried)


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